This is an image of a png with my name

About Me

My name is Diego, which is translated from the bible and means Saint James. I was born down in Kennett, but my family is from Nuevo Leon, Mexico; they lived in a poor part of the state. At some point, there was a flooding that had ruined homes, and my grandparents had gotten a visa to live in the U.S.A. While staying there, my dad met my mother and they had me and my little brother Uriel.

My Hobbies

I like to draw, play sports, lift, and play games. I enjoy a lot of things except getting surprises.

My Philosophy

My philosophy is that things will never get "better"; we just either break or get stronger, and being nice to someone can be like giving them armor or pushing them into the pain.

My Ultimate Goal

My goal is to be able to help people and let people know helping others benefits everyone, not just them or you. That's basically all I want out of this school.

My School Schedule

Name of hour Hour Class Number Class Duration
Football P.E. 1st Hour GYMA 7:45-8:38
World history 2nd hour 304 8:38-9:31
Web Design 3rd Hour 300 9:31-10:24
Advisory 4th Hour 210 10:24-11:18
Discrete Math 5th Hour 523 11:34 - 12:18
Physchology 6th Hour 303 12:27-1:20
Ecology 7th Hour 201 1:20-2:13
LA III 8th Hour 511 2:13 - 3:00
This is an image of a png with my name